Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: bleeeeegh
now playing: dire straits-sultans of swing

My yesterdays....

Previous - And I'm gonna get high, high, high, when I'm low, low, low the fire burns from yesterday! Next - Sobrevivi!
2004-04-16 - 1:21 p.m. - A Walk to remember, eh? Probably more like a night to forget.

I am going to tell this story of yesterday, which will probably sound like some odd tall-tale, but I guarantee you that everything I write is absolutely true, as I really have no imagination right now after waking up with a bit of a headache and a churning stomach.

Yesterday I had 3 classes and then went straight to the Alianza to do my volunteer work. Try making one copy each of a 103 page pamphlet. That sucks. I basically make photocopies out of the instruction booklets for the teachers. There is a little spiky thingie with all the little teacher solicitud notes stabbed on it and I read the note, figure out what page, or pages as the case often is, and then find the pages and make photo copies. When I see the stack of assignments start to grow thin some teacher always comes in and gives me one more. But, it kept me busy and 3 hours flew by. At the same time I have 4 wonderful ladies to converse with in Spanish for the sake of improvement.

After I left I went home and made sure my video camera batteries were fully charged. I was on my way to the Penarol-America game. America is a Mexican team, and not just that, but the favorite team of Araceli and I promised her I would tape it for her. I did not want to go to the game alone carrying a video camera, so Randi and Deanna were supposed to go with me. When they learned that it was at 8 and not 7 they decided not to. So a couple hours after the sun goes down I am walking with my backpack full of a video camera and an extra battery, my WoT book, and my Nightmare Before Christmas hoodie (surprise surpise). I was dressed in all black, not to be goth, but because black is a very flattering color. I was walking as quickly as possible thinking myself to be safer in the stadium than on the streets of Montevideo.

On the way I was walking a bit slower just to make sure I was going in the right direction since every other time I had gone in groups to the stadium. A guy stopped me and asked me what time it was. I guess the way that I phrased my answer (they use 30 instead of media here) caused him to ask me where I was from. I told him and then we started talking. He and his friend are students and they happened to have tickets for the America side as well. They said they wanted me to sit with them. Their names are Edison (como luces) and Fabian. We trudged through mud and had to fight to get me into their section of the America side since evidently my ticket was for better seats. Then they helped me get my camera allowed in too. Gracias a Dios. The game was exciting. There was a complete stalemate until the last ten minutes when somehow Penarol scored twice. This upset me because poor Araceli would be upset that her team lost. It upset the Penarol fans because Penarol won 2-0 and not 3-0, which affords more points in the tournament, meaning that team America is still in first place out of their group and will be moving on. But, after the game they walked back to my house with me (thank goodness because there were two purse snatchers caught right by us). I ran into the house and invited Rachael to meet us at a pub (I felt bad because Edison I think was enamored with me for some odd reason and Fabian was annoyed at being the odd man out). I really had no preference between the two. They both were very sweet and attractive and neither spoke English. But, as lucky as I am, I meet this guy who called me, "la mujer de mi vida" when I have 3 or fewer weeks left. Had this been three months ago I might have entertained the idea of dating him, but even that is against my beliefs because it is wrong to have a doomed relationship with a set end date of when you return to your home country. I don't dig casual dating all that much at all. If I open myself up to someone, it is going to be for a purpose other than sheer entertainment.

So anyway, we go to this pub and it is packed. There were no tables inside and it was raining. We walked down the street in the other direction and a found a pub just like it and looked and they had Sangria and they sat down and I ordered 2 liters from the waitress and then said I was going to go find my friend. They were worried that I would not return but I assured them and then went to the last pub and told the waiter to tell my friend where we are when she arrives. I returned and they had ordered this appetizer plate that looked really good. I swear to you, this boy was feeding me. If I didn't open my mouth and accept I would have had whatever dipping sauce all over my face, and at one point I did. It was mildly embarrassing, but the fiasco did not keep him from deciding when I should have a mozzarella ball in my mouth. Crazy Uruguayos. Rachael found us and we had good times talking about all sorts of stuff. This beggar kid came by our table trying to sell me a bookmark and he was so adorable and started eating off the plate of french fries on our table so I asked him if I could take his picture. I took it and then gave him some change and he tried to leave me a bookmark but I handed it back to him and he said, "otra foto!" I guess he decided having his picture taken for money was a lot easier than selling bookmarks for the less than what I gave him. lol. He was so cute with soft curly hair, probably about 5 at the most.

I got 2 more liters of sangria and we just kept drinking and talking and the guy sitting beside us at some couches started listening to our conversation and laughing. The guys would get paranoid when Rachael and I spoke in English because they probably thought we were saying bad stuff about them, but it was more like, "No, you remember what time this happened?" and thinks that were only of concern to her and could be said much faster in English.

I have no idea how many glasses I drank, but it must have been something like 6 because I was not all that great at walking, which is totally not like me. That Sangria did not taste strong at all though, it tasted like fruit juice. That's life. We took a cab back and barely got in before the gate was locked. I even ventured to talk to Dr. Collier in my horrible state and it was all ok. Edison gave me a phone number and e-mail, but I am not sure if I should call. Giving him any idea that I have intentions toward anything is wrong when I have somewhat of an agenda when I get back to the states. I think there is at least one very awesome person back home that I am eager to hang out with and no guy I met at a soccer game telling me that I am beautiful and nice and yada yada is going to change that. Though I have to admit it was very flattering and reassuring that maybe I am not a horribly ugly and disgusting person.

It is pouring down rain so I have no Universidad Catolica class today, but I do have 3 more hours at the Alianza of making photocopy after photocopy. I cannot complain. I get a good feeling when I go and know that just by making photocopies I am doing a great service. It makes me feel good about myself.

Ok, yeah, I have got to go do that now, and maybe stop by the artisans market and look for souvenirs for a couple more people.

Check you later,


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