Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: anxious
now playing: do your ears hang low
vocabulary: kermit

My yesterdays....

Previous - Vagary. Next - Until then.
2002-08-22 - 8:44 a.m. - Mallrats...Forrest Gump..Memento...Chili's....

There is a dog on my lap and it is not Puppy. Puppy is sighing and pouting on the ground next to my computer chair. The dog in my lap is a tiny little reddish orange poodle named Annie that we are pet-sitting. She's a wuss. She ran in here from the cat and jumped into my lap. We are also pet-sitting Abby, Puppy's mommy. So, we have three dogs, so when keith came over yesterday they had a field day barking and barking and his fingers were in his ears and I felt sorry?stupid? and I shoved them all in my mom's room and closed the door.

Yes, keith did come over. He called me from work?(Internship) and said he wanted to come watch Memento. Then he came over and like...I dunno..he didn't say anything or do anything..he sat in the chair and I heard an occasional sigh or shifting in his seat. That kid is so weird. He's very nice he's just....weird. I don't think he'll be coming anymore. I got the impression he didn't even like the movie. Whatever. His loss.

I woke up yesterday and watched Mallrats. Then I dropped off film at Walgreen's where one of my old managers from Toys R Us is now a manager. He shouted across the room, "Jennifer!" He and I..we openly hated each other while I worked there. When I quit he said good riddance. So, then he decided he'd check my film in so he could talk to me.

"I'm a manager here now."

"Right down the street from me..."

"Scary, huh? You look good, you've lost more weight."

"I'm always trying. I'm not at Best Buy anymore."

"You're not?"

"It's a terrible place to work. Hell."

"I heard it was great."

"Great discount, terrible in every other way imagineable and some that you can't even imagine. I heard Toys R Us went to shit?"

"Yeah, when they brought that crazy guy in..."

"Right. Later."

Then I went home and watched Forrest Gump. When I went back to pick up my film Andy was detained so we didn't get a pleasant little chat. Crying shame. As soon as my mom gets home she starts watching it with me..."Uh oh, you need to fastforward through this next scene here..oh wait, not that one..the one where he meets Dan's trashy."

"Mom, I have seen the movie before and it's rated pg-13"

"It's still filth!"

After Forrest Gump was when keith came. He left as soon as Memento was over.

Then I waited for Emily. Then I called James and invited him to dinner too. It was a lot of fun. I liked getting to talk to interesting people.

Then I headed over to Lisa's house to say bye to Annabelle and see Gordon, Ian and Nick. Poor Annie...poor Annie's roommate..*wince*

I figured out that when I wear my heels I am like..6'2" Yeehaw.

When I got my pictures only picture that didn't turn out was of Lisa and now I have no pictures of her. No, I have some, but she's not looking at the camera in any of them. I'll just have to finish her page of the scrapbook after I spend an entire camera on her. Muahahaha.

I haven't been reading so much lately. Not sure if I am actually going to finish Alice in Wonderland before classes start. Crying shame that will be. I cannot boast of my accomplishments.

Anywho, yeah, I am gonna skeedaddle now because I don't want to be sitting at the computer anymore.

Check you later,


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