Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

now playing:

My yesterdays....

Previous - If you like pi�a coladas! Next - She left a note and said I'm sorry...I..had a bad day again.
2004-02-14 - 10:27 a.m. - Lost in Translation

Ahh, today is Valentine's day and I have already eaten a heart shaped cookie that said, "Amor." It was homemade, icing and everything. You cannot buy things slice and bake here or pre-made because they do not even know what a chocolate chip cookie is. They do not even sell chocolate chips unless you go to perhaps a specialty store. Don't even get me started on the lack of peanut butter and cream cheese...The girls were up until 3 am making these cookies and they made a cookie with everyone's name on it and then some other cookies with various "hug" and "love" words. How sweet. I sat and watched them since when they began I was up in the loft watching The Man Who Wasn't There, which is hilarious I might add.

Since I had not started on their endeavor I did not join in at the last minute, but I did play dj taking Amber's cds and playing music. It felt so good to hear some great music. I played weezer-pinkerton and dashboard and incubus and sublime and smashing pumpkins and it was exciting.

Yesterday my roommate and I went to see, "Perdidos in Tokio," which you can probably figure out the translation to its American title. It was hilarious. There were points when my roommate and I nearly rolled out of our seats laughing. Perhaps the humor was heightened by the fact that we are in a foreign country..."stuck" if you will for a definite amount of time. But, we both gave a good hearty laugh.

After the movie we went to locos por el futbol and ate some pizza. Pizza not pizza as it is in America. But, the pizza at this place comes the closest any one of us has seen so far. It was pretty good.

We came back and watched that delightful black and white Coen brothers film. I must say that my favorite Coen brothers films are all in black and white. I cannot really explain why, it just happened that way. And I used to hate black and white films! Aye. But Clerks always did it for me.

So then I started reading, Slapstick last night (Vonnegut) because I couldn't go to sleep and it was mildly amusing. But my roommate started to attempt for the second time sleeping so I put the book away and turned out my light to do the same. I think I woke up naturally exactly 8 hours after I went to sleep...very interesting. My body likes to do that a great deal. I kind of hate it actually. But, it is a lot better than when my body would wake up at 7 am no matter what time I went to bed. Good times.

So it seems that I am perhaps going to Rio next weekend for like 4 days to see the last days of Carnaval. This kid Jason wanted to go and they told him he couldn't unless he had a group of three so my roommate and I said we would go. Because of the short duration of the trip we have to fly (a bus ride is possible but takes 25 hours each way) and the flight is probably going to be about 300+ dollars..but who knows. Maybe the travel agent can find better. Now, I did want to go to Rio so if I go now I can just remove the trip from my spring break itinerary and just chill down in Patagonia and stuff. We will see. Now I gotta rush to get a Brazil visa. How exciting.

Anywho, people are starting to wake up around here and I just realized that I did find Nutella last night and Nutella and bananas sounds like an excellent breakfast.

Check you later,


Yes, yes, Happy Valentine's day! If you are single for Valentine's day, just remind yourself it won't always be so.

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