Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

now playing: rolling stones-beast of burden

My yesterdays....

Previous - Would you want to take the lights down low? Next - Meet the Parents.
2004-10-09 - 9:20 p.m. - I'll never be your beast of burden.

I am too cool.
I went to work today and it was great. I was again "shadowing" today which really ended up being equal to me selling like mad. I did an exchange that took me forever because it was out of region. I thought I'd screwed it all up, but later learned I pretty much did everything right. I got a lot of new activations today that went in other people's names and then some even that went in my name. I attached all sorts of stuff to my transactions and made people happy happy. That is the best part, when people are truly happy when they leave, no matter how pissed they were to begin with about the wait. If you can be so helpful that they don't even remember the hour long wait then you rock. But then Jamie told me I spend too much time with my customers, so I have to find a way to do all the nice things I was taught to do for people in training and still get done in a reasonable amount of time. Fine tuning.

The highlight of my day was being able to talk to my wonderful and amazing boyfriend during my lunchbreak via mobile IM(I love you, Verizon!). Then I got a text message from him upon arriving at home(I had left phone in question at home) and that just made me melt. He is so good to me. I didn't think myself capable of so much happiness. I mean, I've been happy before, but this is indefinite happiness. This is happiness that survives headaches and bad, never-ending days. This is absolutely amazing.

Hmm, for some reason A.J. the cat has taken a liking to my room and he sleeps on my hoodie, and now on my bed. The cat would be a little more endearing if he had left the body with the entrails of the mouse on the front porch. I saw a head and a long intestine(amidst the other visceral organs), but the rest of the furry little critter was nowhere to be found.

Last night was cool. Amanda came in to town and she and I and Johnny and Ben went out for Johnny's birthday to eat mexican food and then bought a cake and then ate cake and ice cream and watched family guy episodes, courtesy of Ben. Amanda left this morning when I left for work. But I will see her again tomorrow night! Then I will be in Kentucky. Oh yes I will. I will be happy in Kentucky. I will be ecstatic in fact. I am ecstatic now just thinking about it.

But anyway, yeah. Woke up and went to work and just got home and that was day. Incredibly exciting it was.

Right, I am going to go now.
Check you later,

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