Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: sick
now playing: wilco
vocabulary: pejorative

My yesterdays....

Previous - I have no control. Next - Your movements echo that I have seen the real thing(Hee hee, I know where that is from now).
2002-09-29 - 8:21 p.m. - Looong ass weekend.

I feel better...well, mentally at least. On the physical side--my head feels like it is about to explode. I am sneezing out have of my insides and coughing(which is no good since I pulled a muscle in my stomach working out). Such is life.

Friday-I...went to work and work was alright. There weren't any stupid swimteam bastards. I just basically read and talked with my co-worker. After work I went to the campus to see what was going on. I was invited to watch Gattaca in the Bison Room. I saw Andrew outside and we talked to Josh and Daniel for about five minutes then went to survey the Bison Room. After getting a glimpse of who was there...we decided Ms Pac Man would be a better use of time. I whooped his ass, as always. Then we played pool..he kicked my ass. I -suck- at pool. Then..I went home. I went to bed around 11 or 12.

Saturday-I woke up fairly early to see my dad off to Congress(which we sort of..lost. Evidently it's no longer at the Capitol building). I got a call while we were waiting for Asher from Cole. She said our co-worker who was scheduled to work Front Desk just got a call that her father died and she needed me to come in. I went in to work at 7:45 work until 6 p.m. I had a break at 10:30 to go get my hair cut and then went back to work. Cole and I were both DELIRIOUS by the time we got off work that night. We drove to Brentwood to meet up with our co-worker Jennifer to head off for Goten. Mmmm. At Goten I saw -three- people from middle school eating at the little enclosed table opposite us. They were from McMurray(which I only attended one year--7th grade). It was...weird. One of them was my friend and the guy sitting next to my friend was someone who used to make fun of me on the bus(it was a mutual hatred really, but he was an ugly asshole). So Matt said hey and talked to me. I am assuming they were all Vandy kids hanging out together because they had the common school history. The guy who I used to hate actually looks now like someone I'd be friends with.

Anywho, we finished eating and as we were getting in my car I saw two totally different guys from McMurray who I had totally been in love with. They were beautiful little rudeboys back then -before- ska was popular and we'd all go to the same concerts but they had become friends with my ex-best-friend Brandi and if you've ever heard stories of Brandi you know that was no good. After we went our separate ways what was hers was hers and what was mine was mine and they could not and would not mix(Brandi and I made our peace when we reunited at Ozzfest a few years back--she is now a mother...married to a blonde guy with a mohawk named Dizzy). Anywho, I was too wimpy to say anything to them but Jennifer called out one of their names so then I had to. When we were driving that way I sort of rolled my window down and said hey, told them who I was. One of them, the one who was -really- hot, goes to MTSU. The other one, as he kindly put it, is a bum. I expected as much. It made me laugh. How ironic see that many people from 7th grade who I only knew and associated with for a year..and all of whom were a grade ahead of me. Small world.

After dinner we went to Dillards to pick up Cody and then we went to see Sweet Home, Alabama. It wasn't that bad. It was just LONG. Afterwards I went to the pad to see Greg who came in town and some other people. I ended seeing all sorts of good people. Nancy and Jeremy crack me up, Heather is hilarious, Sara is a lot of fun, Chris and Barrett always make me laugh, and I had brought Cole along with me who entertained me with stories of sheep counting contests--don't ask I'm not quite sure I really grasped it. I had some tangy lemonade and watched Blazing Saddles and then had to make my departure, I was tired. I really wish I could have stayed longer, for I never get sick of those people.

Sunday-Church, Canton, work, Came home to the rude awakening that due to sending so many essays and photos via e-mail that my box is full from sent and retained mail and I missed e-mails, wrote newspaper article and we are to the present. Since I am so achy and sick I am just going to lie down and watch Virgin Suicides.

Check you later,


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