Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: long-winded
now playing: guster-lost and gone forever
vocabulary: efficacy

My yesterdays....

Previous - A productive day. Next - Let there be light!
2002-08-09 - 12:31 p.m. - 19 Days in a row..that's a cinch!

Last night I worked. It was alright, I finished Dracula and started on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I ate a Rodeo Cheeseburger from Burger King that Cole's mommy brought us at work. Her mom..does everything for her. Cole is a little spoiled but she's very sweet. She's spoiled, but not a spoiled brat, and there definitely is a difference.

After work I went right to bed practically because I had to work today at 6 am..which means wake up at 5 am. It wasn't so bad, I am not even tired right now. I worked 6 am - 11:30 am. I basically just sat in a computer chair behind the front desk and talked to Ruth(my boss) about books and movies and college and religion and the future and marriage and just about anything that popped into our little heads. Then Haley showed up, she's the boss-boss's daughter. She had a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Jellybeans. She was insistent on everyone eating them all so that she could use the bag for something else. If you told her to throw them away she screams, "That's wasting money!" vociferously. I tried was pepper flavored. I was determined, however, to eat the whole thing..but I later regretted it. My M & M's I had later tasted like pepper and so did my mountain dew. After I had as much Haley as I could stand I retreated to my store and started reading. I consequently finished Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and I am starting on The Fifth Child. How exciting! After that is The Monk and after that..Paradise Lost.

I know some people complain about working 4 or 5 days in a row...I work 19 days in a row. I am not, however, complaining, I am stating the fact. I am actually fairly glad that I am because the money will really come in handy. I actually have the option of working 25 days in a row and I may take it if my roommate doesn't mind me waking at 4 am...yes...3 out of 7 days a week I go in at 5 am and thus wake at 4 am. The rest of the days are filled with nights or afternoons. It does mean that I am going to have, in just one month, 400 dollars above and beyond my car payment..which isn't even due until two weeks later. I am very ecstatic. It doesn't really bother to me to work every day because on days I work the morning shift I am done by 11 am and my whole day is ahead of me and it will also help me to transition back to waking early so I can grow accustomed to those 8:00 classes. The early shifts are also Front Desk shifts, Patty tells me every day that my talents are being wasted working the kiosk and Ruth evidently feels I can run Front Desk without any training so three days a week I get to do that. I am so excited. It also helps secure my standing with my superiors because it shows I am loyal to my employer and willing to bend over backwards to take care of things. Patty was telling me how worried she and MaryAnn were when they thought that they were going to have to cover it. I am glad to relieve them.

I kind of want to go see Llama tonight and see if they remember me but I kind of want to hold on to my 10 dollars. 10 Dollars is halfway to purchasing Lord of the Rings at Blockbuster and getting the 10 free rentals..which I desperately need. It's 11 dollars more than it is at Best Buy but I hate giving BB my money and those 10 free rentals are worth far more than 10 dollars...about 50 dollars in fact, is how much they are worth.

In the Bedroom comes out next Tuesday and Death to Smoochy soon after. I am pumped.

Anywho, this is entirely too long.

Check you later,


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