Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: Tired
now playing: wooooooo
vocabulary: electricity

My yesterdays....

Previous - 19 Days in a row..that's a cinch! Next - Oh, Lisa.
2002-08-10 - 12:36 a.m. - Let there be light!

We are with power! Why is this significant? Because we had been without it for an hour and a half. There we were(my dad and I) watching horrible television and waiting for my mom to get home to watch a movie with us. All of a sudden a flicker and then POOF! Pitch black. I couldn't see a damned thing, I suppose that's because it was 9 o clock at night and there was no sunlight to compensate for our sudden darkness.

The first thing I do when the power goes out is to call the Harts. I usually get JoAnn and she tells me whether they have power or not (everytime I have called they were out too) and then I call the power company and tell them our situation. This time, however, the house was completely black. I stood up and stumbled my way to my bedroom on the other side of the house, tripping on everything on the way there. There was a beacon of light in my bedroom! This beacon was the group of glowing buttons on my tv remote control. I held the remote up to the phone and dialed the Harts. Erin answered. She said they were out too. Then my brother called. I told him we were out of power and he asked what electric company we used and said he'd call them. I told him. Then I started opening cupboards and feeling around. My dad left the matchbox outside for a barbeque weeks ago so we needed a lighter to light some candles. Luckily..I just so happened to find one. I don't know how that worked..I touched some weird fuzzy stuff in the cupboard and I am afraid to check and see what it was. Anywho, the Electric Company called us. They asked me if was our circuit breakers and I said no, the people across the street are out too. She said she'd send somebody over.

I ran over to check on the Harts and when I got there they said it was odd, that the microwave and toaster and the alarm clocks in their parents bedroom all worked. Then we saw lights in my house turn on across the street, but only some of them. I went back home and found that my mom had gotten home and figured out that the lights in their bedroom and bathroom worked, and more importantly, the fan(our air conditioning runs on electricity).

Finally, a lot later, I hear the trucks outside. I go to tell the guy about the weird condition that some lights work and some don't and that the circuit breakers are all fine and he says, "yeah, it's our problem." I guess he was saying it was the fault of the lectric if we didn't know that already. About 5 minutes after they start working on things...the lights that were working went out..and so did all the other houses on the street, who prior to them fixing the electricity..had power. My mom chuckled at that. About 20 or so minutes after that...Jenn said let there be light and there was, and jenn saw that the light was good and we all sat down to watch The Mothman Prophecies.

It was quite an adventure and now I am extremely tired and nauseous. I think I ate too much and my tummy likes to tell me so. Neeeed sleeep.

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