Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: sleeeeepy
now playing: luis miguel - el rey
vocabulary: echar

My yesterdays....

Previous - Jump, jump, jump, jump, Jump Around! Next - And no one knows what it's like...
2004-02-04 - 10:45 p.m. - As the world turns...

So I have been really lame lately. Dr. C thinks I don't like her anymore because I didn't say a word in class..which is very noticeable since there is only one other student in the class. It had nothing to do with me not liking her, or the class, or the author, or the story. In fact, Borges is my favorite latin american author and his work is kickass and the class is kickass and Dr.C is kickass..but I did not read the story. We had that damn Yemanja stuff and then I went out to the pool parlor after that because my roommate dragged me and I had to talk to Aldo about neo-nazi punk music.

The next day I had class and then I spent hours on some homework and then met my roommate at the mall and then we had to watch Evita at 9 which lasted until midnight (and I hated every minute) and I was so sleep-deprived at that point that it was not worth trying to stay up. I think I ended up going to sleep at like 2 as it was. Then when I woke up in the morning I had a class before hers that was due some homework so I couldn't even do it before class. I felt very bad. I think I pissed my roommate off by seeming so gloomy. It is really just all the staying up late that is getting me down. My body is too tired to function happily. But, tonight my goal is to be in bed by at least 1. That means I have to listen to a spanish song, write a journal about it, and then read my harry potter.

Naomi and I left class together today and it was funny, because she said she thought I hated her. I thought she hated me. It is all better now. We went to this supermarket to look for cream cheese and she came up to me and said it was so sad that she was in the toothpaste aisle and this little girl wanted some Barbie toothpaste and her grandma told her it was too expensive and so we were determined to go over there and buy it for them to be nice, since for us it was very cheap. Well, we got a lesson in humility. We just happened to find some of the wealthiest people in town who were not denying the girl because of money but solely because they are good parents. I think we were incredibly embarrassed. But, the woman told the children this was a good lesson on how important it is to be able to communicate with people of other cultures (She is encouraging them to learn English).

So, yeah, good times. I have been looking for cream cheese all day long.

Then, before church but after my unsuccessful cream cheese search, I watched sense and sensibility. Alan Rickman is so hot in that movie. Alan Rickman is hot in every movie. Yes, he is old, and this is me not caring.

So anywho, we are going to Buenos Aires this weekend. How exciting. After we return those guys said they were going to call us. I may get soccer lessons from a uruguayan national player. Yeehaw.

Anywho, it will be too late again if I stay much longer before doing my homework.

Check you later,


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