Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: golpe
now playing: depeche mode-enjoy the silence
vocabulary: escopa

My yesterdays....

Previous - Come on, sugar, let me know! Next - Well I guess this is growing up.
2004-01-30 - 11:47 a.m. - Words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm.

I have been down for nothing. I think I have been missing out. I didn't want to go out at night and on the weekends when people go to Punta del Este (A bigtime party city on the beach) and to clubs because I was feeling like 1)they don't like me and 2)they are prudes anyway and wouldn't enjoy the same things that I do and 3)my own insecurity.

Well, last night my roommate somehow coaxed me into going out to dinner with them despite the fact that I do not eat dinner. We caught a bus, walked some, then ended up at this cute little restaurant in the old city on a cobblestone walk past the plaza de independencia (This is like a downtown franklin type place near where all those pictures I listed are only these places stay open well into the evening rather than closing at 5 pm).

At this dinner (I bought a water for 35 pesos) we talked and talked and I realized that these girls were more wild than I ever fancied myself to be. I was constantly in fear of being considered a she-devil by them and thus tended to separate myself, but I found a certain libertad in hanging out with these girls and I just may be apt to hang out with them again tonight and Saturday night. Evidently they are all excited about taking me shopping because they think I need to "work it," when I gave the excuse that I really did not own clubbing clothing. They definitely have different tastes in guys than I do. Kat I think is more similar to my tastes and my roommate and I quote Kissing Jessica Stein on the sexy-ugly issue but I swear I am just attracted to very quirky guys.

As we guy-watched I saw one of the most attractive guys ever and they alllll disagreed with me. They didn't like his eyebrows and his nose and those were the things that I did like about him. If a guy has a big nose or prominent eyebrows then I think if he knows how to work it he can be sexy as hell. I just think that there is not some specific design of sexy. I find a lot of different things attractive and don't understand how someone could be so anal about it. I mean, it has a lot more to do with the way he carries himself and the way he dresses himself. I don't know how to describe it, but the way this guy walked and sat just showed him as having a sort of edgy attitude, a non-chalant attitude borderline apathetic and not one of the slobbering argentinians that give cat-calls to every girl walking by.

They also seemed to think at the table that they want too hook me up with a guy down here. I am not into that. There is a guy (maybe two) that I dig back home and for me, that is enough to not pursue anyone else. No, I have no idea if he digs me, but still, it is not right to date guys when 1)you are leaving in a little over three months and 2)you are pining for someone else 6,000 miles away. No, pining is too strong of a word because I have really in the last few weeks adopted a more apathetic approach to dating so it's really just me knowing that if certain guys asked me out then I would say yes and that is enough for me to not want to hinder that by being even remotely attached to a guy down here. Plus, the guys are in general pretty sleazy. Even the nice guys still expect to bone you on the first date (I do not know by experience but people I know sure do). Maybe some girls don't have a problem with that, but in my experience that is a terrible, terrible way to start a relationship. I think that is how Cat and I coined the phrase "escapist head." Don't ponder that one for too long.

So, as I have never been to a club I am kind of....weary of them. Amber says that they have lounges and stuff and are really nice like clubs in the movies and not like clubs in TN and TX. So, I do not have to either be on a dance floor or sitting at a bar, but they do seem to think that I need to be sloshed. I am not so sure. At some point though, I -will- try the wine here. I had a sip of sangria last night and I must say that of all red wines I have had, that one tops the chart. Of course, it did have little fruit wedges in it and such, but it was pretty good.

So, today we are supposedly going to the mall to buy me clothes and then maybe catching a movie and then maybe going to clubbing and then maybe partying after that, perhaps in a hotel or something. I really don't know. I should really call Rosario because I have been beglecting her and she has been so nice to me.

I will go call her.

Oops, oh yeah, Carnaval is tonight which means a lot of people walk around playing drums and girls with barely any clothes on dance through the streets to prepare for lent and the ceremony of Yemanja. How exciting.

Lunch time.

Check you later,



Ok, so Carnaval...well, when it was time to go I was still sitting online talking to Morgan about the Oscars and was totally not dressed. They said they would be somewhere on dieciocho de julio watching the parade and I decide to go find them after I put on some decent clothes.

Well, I walked for about an hour down dieciocho de julio and finally I found deanna and randi who had separated from the group in order to be able to see better and they told me I had passed everyone (Something I was afraid of) so I went back and I found my roommate and everyone else and my roommate was standing right next to this hot guy and I asked him if I could take his picture so everyone back home could see how hot the guys are here and he said sure and he and his friend posed for me. It cracked me up. Then I looked over where Dr. Collier was because she was waving to me and trying to tell me how great it was that I found them and I saw this adorable little guy. I went over to her and whispered in her ear, "The guy directly behind you is so hot" and she turns around and asks him to take a picture with us and hands her camera to Andy. So he gets behind us and puts his arms around us and takes a picture. Dr. C. said she will get me doubles. lol. His friend was like looking at me the rest of the night because Allison called me over and whispered,"That guy over there in the blue is staring at you." I laughed. I would have liked to find that guy later, but alas, I have a photograph.

After that we left to go to the plaza and then I and the people I went to dinner with last night left with Aldo and Victor, some friends of friends and we went to a pub for some drinks then met back with the rest of the group. We went to this club, ladies free and guys 100 pesos, and yes, it was my very first time going to a club. I did not dance though so I won't count it. I will just have to go again all spiced up in one of the 4 designer shirts I bought today at the mall. They were so proud of me. I won't wear them until I fix this tanline fiasco. There is a distinct line right at my shoulder blade and it is most unflattering with the cute halter I bought.

I also need to buy a bra with no lace because it is really delicate and thin material and the lace just makes you look like you have lumpy breasts. Good times. I also want to buy a bra with the clear plastic straps to wear instead of a strapless bra. They sell the straps on the street. Evidently they are very popular here.

I came back at curfew because otherwise I would have to stay out all night and since I am doing that tomorrow night I figured I ought to get some sleep...which I am not doing.


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