Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: lame
now playing: weezer-dope nose
vocabulary: bum

My yesterdays....

Previous - And my life sinks back into boring nothingness. Next - Boredom whispered in my ear.
2002-07-16 - 9:31 a.m. - Loooong surveys are fun fun fun!

I got a survey compliments of Ryan's diary. I filled out the survey. Woo. Here are my answers:
[01] what's your first name? Jennifer
[02] middle name? Kathleen
[03] last name? King
[04] nicknames? Jenn, Jennie, Einy, Jenn-Spice, Jenn-Dogg, Kelly, Jenn-jenn, Refinnej
[05] age? 18
[06] gender? female
[07] birthday? March 16, 1984
[08] your sign? Pisces
[09] do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? How about you rub it in my face?
[10] if so what's her/his name?In a more perfect world..his name would be...I don't like anyone right now. Boo.
[11] where do you shop at the most? Shop? Southern Thrift if anywhere.
[12] what color is your hair? dark brown
[13] what color are your eyes? Umm..most often? Green. Sometimes Blue-Green, Green-Yellow, Silver-Yellow, Silver-Blue
[14] how tall are you? 5'11"
[15] do you smoke? Smoke what? Er...I mean, 'no'
[16] do your friends smoke? Umm, some of them do. A lot of them do.
[17] who are your closest friends? Lisa...umm....Nicole(eventhough we never hang out),Nick D.(Eventhough we never can hang out), Maria(eventhough we never hang out).
[18] is your hair short or long? Medium. Little past shoulder.
[19] do you like to shop? I hate shopping. I hate spending money. I'd rather have the money. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
[20] what sports do you play? Right now? Nothing. I used to play soccer, softball, basketball, tennis, and I took tap, jazz, ballet and gymnastics.
[21] what turns you on? Intelligent/witty guys/comfortable guys
[22] what turns you off? Conceited guys. Dumb guys. Superficial guys.
[23] what place do you go for fun? Movie theatre or someone's house to watch a movie
[24] what do you do for fun? Watch movies, memorize movies, talk to people online, work-out, drive, listen to music
[25] how many phones do you have in your house? 5 regular phones, 2 cellphones, but we actually have about 8 jacks.
[26] how many tv's do you have in your house? 3 or 4
[27] what's your favorite kind of food? I love cheese and bread products. My favorite food is spaghetti, then comes pizza, ice cream, nachoes, mac n cheese...cheeseburgers
[28] do you wish to be like your parents? Umm, well, I am seeking to have the same job that my mom has but beside that, well, I guess I do wish that some day I will be as devout as my mom is. She has good intentions also.
[29] what cologne should a hot guy wear? Coolwater
[30] what are you listening to right now? Absolutely nothing. I keep my cds in my car.
[31] what time is it? 8:46 am.
[32] how many hours per day do yo spend talking on the phone?Less than 5 minutes.
[33] do you have your own phone line? I used to...don't need it now.
[34] have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? I find it funny that they specified 'of the opposite sex'
[35] what are your favorite shoes? Airwalks(the old style), Vans, Converse, Dr Martins
[36] what kind of clothes do you sleep in: old navy cargo shorts and a tank top
[37] what's your favorite soda? Dr Pepper, Cherry Coke
[38] what things do you say a lot? Dude, totally, for real, psh, you suck, ummm,no, does that make sense?, ok,you can go now
[39] who is the coolest person in the world?Vonnegut
[40] do you think you're weird or funny? People tell me I am both
[41] who was the last person you called?Ummm. My mommy.
[42] who is the hottest girl/guy in your school? I don't have a school quite yet. I am between schools.
[43] what are your favorite girl names?Ariane
[44] what are your favorite guy names?James, Mathew, Ryan, Chris
[45] what's your worst memory in the past 5 years?I have too many to pick any one. I would say the entire 8 months I was dating a certain guy.
[46] what's your favorite childhood memory? Going to A&W with my dad in Ontario, or going to Reno with my dad and winning the teddy bear at the basketball booth.
[47] do you have any brothers and sisters?Two brothers.
[48] if so, names? James and Dave-dogg
[49] do you have a pool?screw you
[50] what are you addicted to? Green Day, diaryland, livejournal, some other..things
[51] do you like jewelry?I hate it
[52] who has it easier, boys or girls? guys have it easier...except when it comes to women
[53] do you like to dance?I loathe dancing. [54] do you like playing pranks on people?No, I think it's cruel.
[55] what's your favorite subject in school?English
[56] what time is it?8:57 a.m.
[57] what college do you wanna go to?I am going to Lipscomb
[58] do you have a playstation or nintendo 64? I hate video games....except for Turbo Grafx 16 games
[59] if so, what are your favorite games? Ms pac-Man
[60] do you sleep a lot? Nope. No time for sleep...and I have fucked up nightmare dreams
[61] what are your favorite radio stations?I don't listen to the radio but If I were bound and gagged and forced to..I'd prefer 105.9, 96.3, or 102.9
[62] are you a morning person?Indeed. 8:00 classes every day of the week.
[63] how often do you shower? Daily [64] do you get along with your parents? Umm..not really but sometimes.
[65] what room do you spend the most time in?My sitting room(It's right outside my bedroom and down the hall from my real bedroom.
[66] how many rooms does your house have?Umm...12
[67] what do you wanna be when you're out of school? English professor
[68] are you ticklish? Unfortunately [69] what are you wearing right now?old navy cargo shorts and a tank top
[70] do you go to church?Yes, I do indeed.
[71] do you like the person who sent you this?No one sent me this but I round it on Ryan's diary. he doesn't like me but he's pretty cool.
[72] do you believe in love at first sight?I believe in lust at first sight.
[73] what color tooth brush do you use?Turquoise
[74] who is your favorite cartoon character?Ariel
[75] what's your favorite fruit?Watermelon
[76] what's your favorite candy?Twizzlers
[77] what was the best day of your life so far?Day that Lisa got back from Colorado and I got my AP scores.
[78] what did you do today? I woke up online. Woot.
[79] are you momma's little angel? I wish I were.
[80] are you wearing nail polish now? There is one little bit left on my left thumb from Prom.
[81] if so, what color? silver
[82] how many rings or necklaces do you own? A few necklaces. No rings.
[83] do you wear a watch? On occasion.
[84] are you tired? Nope.
[85] what are you thinking right now? I can't wait to go pick up Amelie.
[86] are you having fun? I am entertained.
[87] what time is it? 9:05 a.m.
[88] who makes you laugh? Myself. My co-workers, Lisa, Greg, Anil
[89] who's your favorite teacher? Ms Tuttle
[90] what is the best concert you have ever been to? Goldfinger, Less Than Jake, Llama, Better Than Ezra, Live, Alanis Morissette, Weezer, NIN
[91] what's your worst memory as a little kid? Having the shit beaten out of me repeatedly by rocks, bats, 2 X 4's, whatever the weapon of choice was at the time.
[92] do you think new kids on the block are coming back? I used to get beat up for saying they sucked and that they were lipsyncers.
[93] how many cd's do you have? Somewhere between 100 and 150
[94] what cd's are in your cd player? Our Lady peace is in my car and Weezer is in my bedroom.
[95] how many tapes do you have? I have a WP tape. That's all.
[97] what do you think of the girls and the whole teeny bopper thing? Guys are just as guilty..some little boy bought an N*Sync watch in my line at Toys R Us
[98] if you could marry any music person who would it be? Billie Joe,Jack Black, or Dashboard dude
[99] friend(s) you go to for advice? Nick
[100] friend(s) you have the most fun with? I have fun with all my friends but I hang out more with Lisa because she actually likes me..I think.
[101] friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun with? Lisa, Brian, Nick
do you prefer..... [102] boxers or briefs? boxers
[103] long or short hair? short
[104] dark or blonde? blondes can die and rot
[105] tall or short? tall
[106] mr. sensitive or mr. funny? mr funny. I'm a masochist.
[107] dark or light eyes? light
[108] hat or no hat? wtf? no hat...I guess
[109] ears pierced or no? I don't like fags.
[110] rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type? All the same to me.
[111]Mt. dew or surge? surge still exists?
[112] coke or pepsi? Coke products rule.
[113] rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? Perfect friend.
[114] sweet or sour? sour
[115] tea or coffee? I hate tea and I can drink coffee...well..not real coffee...but sugared down frappuccinos
[116] sappy/action/comedy/horror? comedy
[117] with or without ice-cubes? I always get my drinks no ice.
[118] milk/dark/white chocolate? milk chocolate
[119] shine or rain? shine
[120] favorite season? fall
[121] strawberry or cherry? strawberry
[122] cereal or toast? I eat cereal for every meal when I'm in the mood
[123] night or day? I like the night life. I like to boo-gie
[124] bunk bed or waterbed? bunkbed
[125] chewing gum or hard candy? gum(sugarless)
[126] what's your favorite game? Spades
[127] what's your favorite scent? Fresh baked bread
[128] what's your favorite shape? rectangle
[129] what is your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend like? Comfortable, comforting, funny, smart, compassionate, generous, practical
[130] where is your dream date? I don't have one.
[131] do you like to call or be called? Be called.
[132] move anywhere, where would it be? Germany
[133] what time is it now? 9:19 a.m.
[134] lights on or off? Off...if I am eading this question right.
[135] what's your favorite color? black and purple
[136] what's your favorite drink? Josta
[137] what's your favorite animal? Puppy..but if not that particular dog then..cats
[138] what's your favorite holiday? Christmas(I love to give)
[139] what's your favorite quote? "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before; he is full of murderous resentment for those who are ignorant, not having come by their ignorance the hard way."
[140] what's your favorite sound? IM sound. (yes, I am lame).
[144] what's your favorite song ever? Why Bother?
[145] what's your favorite book? Cat's Cradle
[146] what's your favorite movie? Amelie...before that it was Run,Lola,Run and before that it was Harold and Maude
[147] what's your favorite tv show? Law & Order
[148] what time is it now? 9:25 a.m.

Check you later,


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