Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: critical
now playing: Pink Floyd-Another Brick in the Wall(part 1)
vocabulary: Francais

My yesterdays....

Previous - I'm not an addict, baby. Next - My thoughts are once again invaded.
2002-07-20 - 10:54 a.m. - What is the world coming to?

So..I woke up yesterday and did the diary thing then I worked out and then..I read. Yesterday I spent about 5 hours reading total. Sad thing is, 5 hours is only about 100 pages. But, that's ok, it only means I have more reading pleasure yet to come. I went to buy tickets at the movie theatre before work, so I left my house at about 4.The girl behind the counter made me mad. I said two tickets for Road to Perdition 9:30. She said I need to see your ID, I need to see two IDs. I was like, "'s for a 9:30 show, we're not both here." and she was like, "I can't sell you these tickets unless I see your ID." Well duh, I mean, that wasn't the issue, the issue was that she said she needed to see two IDs, I never refused her my ID. Whatever, I showed her my ID and she gave me the tickets. Then I went to work. Work was uneventful, as uneventful as 5 transactions in a 4 hour period. So, I spent the time reading except when keith came in to talk to me before and after his workout. He's a really nice guy but he had to rub it in my face several times that I don't get to see Wilco. I rubbed it in his face that I get to work out for free. We're even.

So I read a whole lot and then I went to the movies with Kristen to see Road to Perdition. It was...good. Well, it was alright. Would I see it again? No. But, I don't feel like I've wasted my money seeing it, after all, it's Tom Hanks (*drool*). It was very..disturbing since I know that it's really the way things were run back then. I started thinking about civilized society though, and whether or not we are growing more or less civilized. Back then..if someone wanted to get rid of you..they literally got rid of you, just took you out. Today, they suck you dry. They just take all your money and blacklist you. I don't know, I just don't know. Technology has created a world where many things are not as real as they once were. It doesn't take an effort to do things so there is not as much dedication to work. People have easy access to whatever they want via internet. People trade real life relationships for multiple faceless friends that appear on a buddy list. I'm not saying I am immune, I'm just as bad as the rest, if not then worse. We are creating sadder and sadder generations because the focus is taken away from what it should be. What has happened to the family unit? Wasn't it just in the 50's that divorce was looked at as a shameful thing? Now, we have things like, "I'm always looking for a future ex-Mrs Malcom." It's sad, we've made it so easy to divorce, because there is no shame attached with it, so fewer people seek to get married in the first place, something that was even more shameful than divorce back in the day. I don't know, it's all so depressing, I feel like moving to Montana or something where the real world doesn't exist :P

Whatever, I make no sense.

Check you later,


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