Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: exhaustive
now playing: weezer-I just threw out the love of my dreams
vocabulary: fat girls in tight clothes

My yesterdays....

Previous - Weezer Next - I give up, I finally give up.
2002-07-31 - 12:30 a.m. - Simple Pages on my mind.

Today was fun. I took my brother's car to Best Buy to have the keyless entry system worked on. It was going to be a while so I crossed 4 intersections including one with 6 lanes over to Toys R Us and hung out with my old co-worker Chris. He is so awesome. We talked a good deal. While we were talking one of the managers walked by and said, "You should try working here." and I laughed and said, "I already did." Yes, it was the longest job I have ever held. I must say that Chris was probably one of the reasons why. When Chris and Patrick left...I was alone and I left too. But, at least I know I've got a place to pick up hours around Christmas. They are open until midnight like starting day after Thanksgiving so there are mucho hours to be filled.

After that I walked -back- to Best Buy, picked up the car and came home. jamie came over and so did brian and we went to Ben N Jerry's. Yes, I had a three scoop cone and I am glad I did because I got really hungry later on and I would have gotten even hungrier. We went to CD Warehouse and then to Grimey's cd's and then to media Play and then back to my house. Jamie and I went over to Thomas' house and visited JoAnn(his mother) who just got home. She gave me a hug, said she'd been concerned about me and said she'd looked over across the street for me. I said I'd been concerned about her and told her how much Thomas always told me he loved her. She really is such a great woman. She invited us to stay for dinner but we had to go, and plus, since I am not a junior and thusly not closely connected to his group of friends, I would feel out of place. I was just blessed to have close ties to him because of proximity and circumstance. The service is at 11:00 at Bethlehem United Methodist on Thursday. JoAnn told me to spread the word.

After that we headed to wal-mart to try to find some cheap ponchos in case it rained at the concert. We didn't and it didn't so we were ok.

We picked up Matt.

We headed to the concert.

I saw many people there. My hot boy who came through my line at Best Buy was there. He is so beautiful. He was, however, wearing a Free Mumia shirt. If you don't know what that's from...well, Rage Against the Machine was supporting this guy, Mumia, on death row for killing a cop. That is why cops were picketing outside Rage concerts, Nashville included. Well, at some point during the concert the lead singer said something that really turned me off, "We need to stop prosecuting cop killers and start prosecuting killer cops." I'm sorry, but nothing justifies a cop killing and yes, I have had plenty of run-ins with cops but they put their lives on the line each day to help do their part to make this a better place. Whatever. At the concert, the Free Mumia shirts were like 5 bucks less so a lot of people bought them despite how they felt about it. I'd rather assume he's cheap than that he supports Mumia.

Yes, I was very angry about seeing Weezer. Why? Because I saw them on their Green Album tour in the only scheduled (before the little CA shows) show that they made before hitting Europe in May 2001. They played Green Album songs, one B-side(You gave your love to me softly), a few blue, 5 Brand New Songs(3 of which ended up on Maladroit[maybe 4]), and NO PINKERTON. Now, Pinkerton happens to be my very favorite album and really the only Weezer album I would fight for in defending its quality because's really the only one that really good. Now don't get me wrong, the others are good...but Pinkerton is REALLY good. It does not make me happy with Weezer when Rivers bashes Pinkerton in every magazine article that exists, especially since on every fan site...every poll says that Pinkerton is the favorite album of the majority of their fans.

Well, I am proud to say that Weezer played FIVE Pinkerton songs. They started off with my favorite, "Why Bother" and then played "Pink Triangle" and then played "Butterfly" and then played "El Scorcho" and then played "Tired of Sex." I really would have loved to sub El Scorcho in with Across the Sea but beggars can't be choosers. Rivers even said, before playing Butterfly, "I am tightening the noose," because he was about to play another Pinkerton song and yes..they played more songs off Pinkerton than any other album. I laughed my ass off. Lisa and I guy-scoped for like...a good hour before the concert. It was fun. Jamie is a really great guy.

I am glad I went. guy in a Kerplunk t-shirt....*drool*

Ok, I am really exhausted now. Yes I am. My eyes are burning. Yuck, I bet my brother is going to drive my camaro to work and use up my gas, eventhough I have been putting gas in his Blazer. I don't need it again today I just can't wake him up to switch cars. Grrrr. He's gonna take it to Smyrna. *le sigh*

Check you later,


"Gas money! I need to get home!"

"Dumb bitch, should have thought of that before you came."

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