Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: angry
now playing: rolling stones-wild horses (they played it at the pub, I had to repeat)
vocabulary: pisto

My yesterdays....

Previous - Calm the savage beast. Next - Soundtrack to Mary.
2004-03-17 - 10:21 p.m. - So what else is new.

I am resentful, but not sure whether I am allowed to be.

Ok, so, I am pretty good at meeting people here. I just take the initiative to meet people and then I get numbers and make friends and then everyone always cannibalizes the friends I make and steals them for their own.

So last night it was my birthday and my roommate took me to an Irish pub and there were these guys and a girl behind us and I just turned around and starting talking to them. It turned out they work at the embassy and they had a friend coming whose birthday it was as well and he came and we hung out and the one guy, Rob, paid for my meal and bought me a bunch of drinks and took over our whole tab. They were all really nice and we gave them our number and they called today to invite us to go to the pub and meet them again tonight and buy us drinks, but we were at the movies, so of course one of the other girls or a group of them got the phone call and then they decided to show up as well, so I was like, "fuck this" and left. Which is really like throwing a temper tantrum, except that I did not make a big deal out of it, I just left. I did not see a point in being there any more.

It is not like there is any romantic attraction to them, the one who bought my tab has a girlfriend here in Uruguay, she was there last night, so it's nothing like that. It's the principle I suppose. Conversation is meaningless in a group that sized with so many people who are different, everyone trying to steer the conversation toward something he or she can talk about. Plus, it's about connections, these guys work at the embassy. That is very cool. Now, it means nothing that I am the one who started talking to them. I get nothing for my efforts more than any one of them who did not have to stick their necks out one bit and take a chance. They just got to yoink off my friends. I hate being this bitter. I am just too emotional right now. It sucks being a girl. I cried all the way through Big Fish today and I had already seen it.

Oh, yeah, then there's the fact that I got back from class today and my roommate shows me an e-mail from our travel agent that said that he can only book us flights for the 4th through the 13th, so we'd miss two days of school, and that only one of us could pay the 1,300 with a credit card and one must pay cash and that we absolutely had to pay today to save our spots. We called him back at 4:00 and he was on a lunch break. I could not pay because I had to ask my parents if it was ok to put the 1,300 charge on today since I had asked for several weeks later. So, heaven help us, I hope there are two spots left on the plane and that our professors will not really drop us a letter grade for missing too many classes. So, we may not be going to Machu Picchu. Fun day this is.

When it rains it pours they say. Oh and curfew is extended an hour tonight. But I got no sleep last night and could not stay awake in class today so staying out until the extended curfew would not be worth much. It would be irresponsible to go back. But if I stay, I am bound to eat chocolate. It's a lose-lose situation.

I should probably be doing my homework so that I won't have to when I wake up in the morning.

Check you later,


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