Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: optimistic
now playing: U2
vocabulary: deretir

My yesterdays....

Previous - Un besito. Next - Espera por mi!!
2004-05-05 - 1:14 p.m. - We liiiiiiive in a beautiful world.

This is my last full day in Uruguay. To celebrate the occasion I am going to write something good and happy and uplifting because I am here and I cannot change that.

My request to be exempt from living on campus at Tech has been granted so I am probably going to move into Johnny's house and it will be tight. We will have a house, that is very cool. He is also a very responsible person who I have known since the first day I moved to Tennessee.

I am happy because I am coming home tomorrow, granted I will not get there until Friday, but I am on my way as of tomorrow evening. I am going to miss this place the second I leave, but I need to be home right now more than ever.

Edison wants to come to the airport to say goodbye to me. He is so incredibly sweet. We went out last night to his cousin's house (who is also very nice) and then for pizza. Sweet guy. I will miss him a lot.

I am done with exams and I think I did not do so terribly horrible. I may just come out on top with this one.

I am all packed and only had to throw out a few clothes among other things, but all my souvenirs are making it home.

There are people waiting for me in Tennessee whom I love and who love me as well and for once I can truly acknowledge it and that is perhaps the happiest thing on this list.

No more Lipscomb...that tops it too.

Now I will go vacuum my room and look up prices for Punta del Este.

Check you later,


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