Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: eh
now playing: refreshments - mekong
vocabulary: diversity

My yesterdays....

Previous - Haha, Harry Potter on puberty. Next - Do you believe in life after love?
2002-11-16 - 7:46 p.m. - Smile to the girl at the door, another 4 dollar whore but don't look her in the eyes, she'll break your heart.

Ok, so yesterday...

I went to Harry Potter, I got my paycheck, I put it in the bank, I went home, I went to pick up Lisa, we went to the mall to buy a bumper sticker, we went to Brian's (where Brian, Jamie, and Sean were), we went to Green Hills, we went to Hollywood 27, we went to 100 Oaks, we went back to Hollywood 27 where we...watched Harry Potter.

I spent 6 whole hours watching Harry Potter yesterday alone.

Then..I got home at 1:30...and woke up at 6 am and went to work. Then I went to Murfreesboro and met up with Cole and Jody and we went to the MTSU Homecoming game. We froze our asses off. I saw J baby and Art and it was fun. It felt good to see them. I am getting more and more excited about the prospect of MTSU every day. I -think- I saw Sean on the field, but I could not find Paul or Jamie--damn trumpet section is harder to pick out. There was a hilarious fight with the players and coaches and cops on the field. I laughed really hard.

Cole and I went to Starbucks and then we went to look at the houses and duplexes she is looking at for us to stay in. They are adorable. I am setting myself up for a fall. All I can do is hope against hope. I saw her house too (I was in Eagleville..ha, bet you didn't even know Eagleville existed) and I even met her Granny, who can allegedly out-cuss a sailor.

Wow, I ate a full meal today and now I feel sort of sick to my stomach. Goody.

I am missing Dustin Overbeek band tonight. Boooo. I am going to go watch Edward Scissorhands though, so that is cool.

Tomorrow I work and..I feel there is something I am supposed to be doing but I can't put my finger on it. I have been a little out of it for a few da--hell, for this whole damned week. Last night kind of cleared some things up for me. It felt good to just be blunt and ask about what I needed to know. Now that I know..I am overwhelmingly happy. I hate not knowing.

Sometimes I don't think before speaking. I think I pissed off Jamie last night, and I think I pissed off Brian and I think I just about pissed off everyone. I was just a little confused and the atmosphere that was present didn't help me at all. Brain all but implying I'm a slut didn't help much at the dinner table. I know it's no different, our relationship is founded on him calling me a slut, if he didn't, I would think something were wrong with him. It was just that last night with the added tension it didn't go over well with me. But, when I came back from checking on the tickets, it was ok. Talk is good.

I wish Lisa were a bigger part of my life. It almost makes me want to be in high school still-almost. I miss her brightening my day when it was bad, just passing her in the halls.

I miss Kleinschmidt too. I miss seeing Jamie daily as well, he can just about make every one laugh. I even miss Brian saying the wackiest stuff in class. It's funny, wherever you are, you think it sucks..until you go somewhere else that sucks worse and you realize that where you were didn't really suck at all.

Ahhh, memories.

Ok, gonna surf the net before I get going.

Check you later,


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