Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: reflective
now playing: queen-another one bites the dust

My yesterdays....

Previous - Seeing double double double vision Next - Ain't I tough enough, baby?
2003-11-29 - 10:45 a.m. - Try to run but somehow you just keep on staying, can't decide on which way to go

Whoever said talk is cheap...

Yesterday was a day for conversation, well, work and conversation.

Work started out really slow and I thought I wasn't going to make any money but then we had a full house and only three servers. I remember having 8 tables at one point where three of my tables had five or more people. It was insane. I made about 15 dollars an hour though so it was all worth it. I love it when it's busy because the time goes by. I am always doing something. Tonight I work 12-8 so that means I get the lunch rush -and- the dinner rush so I am very excited. I have to remember to thank Brian for my schedule this week.

After work I went to take Jose some mexican sausage gorditas that Araceli and Rocio made for him and though I was just going to drop it off and leave, we started talking and ended up talking for several hours. My intention was to not be there when Gus got home and when I told Jose I needed to leave before Gus got home he wanted to know why and ironically, explaining to him why I couldn't be there when Gus got home made me be there when Gus got home. Oy. Throughout the conversation I learned a whole lot about the way Jose thinks and feels and I understand. He expressed his appreciation for me and told me that I am a very important friend to him.

Then I went home and chilled for a while and then Brian called me and we went to Cafe Coco and then we just drove around and talked and it was a very good thing. I realized some things that I had been trying to deny. I pissed some people off, some intentionally and some unintentionally, but regardless of that, I suffered the consequences for it. I still do. I've tried to go back and apologize where I knew I needed to, but sometimes that is not enough. I understand that. There was a very long period in my life that was full of hatred and that hatred was distributed to random scapegoats. That period of hate is something that has just recently ended. There is no use in hating.

Anywho, gotta go to work. Eight hours of serving, damn.

Check you later,


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