Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

now playing: live-likini's juice

My yesterdays....

Previous - Jennifer and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Next - It's been a while...
2003-10-14 - 5:13 p.m. - It was an evening I shared with the sun to find out where we belong.

I haven't written because I haven't had time. I also don't know how to put things in a way that make them sound less pathetic than they really are. I work pretty much every day with this new job. So much for getting it to cut down.

Yesterday was confusing. Ok, first off, Sunday I was working and did something really stupid. The people at one of my tables paid with a 100 dollar bill and I went to get change for their ticket and my manager gave me change and I gave it to them and then later on in the evening when someone else wanted to sit at that table I needed to tender it out so I could start a new table and I realized that my manager should have tendered it because he took the money. No, he did not take the money, he had given me a full hundred back and I in turn gave them a full hundred back and thus was 24 dollars in the hole all night long. When I realized that I still had a couple hours to go but did not get any more tables. I nearly broke down crying. I made just enough money to cover that bill. Becka and Stephanie tipped out to me and gave me 24 between the two of them so I could take home money that night, but that made me feel so bad that I wanted to cry even more.

After work I went to Chili's and hung out at the bar with Garrett and his friends from Macaroni Grill. They were all super nice, and I am assuming that being drunk had nothing to do with it but I do realize that under other circumstances they may not be half as nice. I had some fun though. I found that Leny was not working when I went so I called him and he didn't answer but then he called me back. We talked for a bit and he said he had tomorrow (Monday) off so I said I may call him if I don't get out of work too late. He said he really liked talking to me a lot and he'd be waiting for my call. That statement led me to believe that he'd answer when I call on Monday but alas, he didn't. I called him a few times and left a message but he never called back. It made me sad. There could be any number of reasons why he didn't. His excitement on the phone Sunday night causes me to believe that he would indeed love to hang out with me and I him, but I am afraid that he may have spoke with Juan, who thinks I have some evil plot against him with this whole alleged sexual harrassment suit. Did I fail to mention that?Well just in case...

I told Jamon that I didn't like it that Juan feels the need to be touching me at every moment that I am free, and even times when I am not while working. Ken (guy in charge of all the stores) calls me and asks what I would like to have done about it and I said "Nothing!!!" He said unfortunately he has to at least talk to Juan so now I can never go back to McDonald's. Also, word evidently travels entirely too fast because I went somewhere and the people there were like, "You and Jerry broke up, right?" I said yes. "Because when Tasha called and said something about your sexual harrassment charges against Juan he was fixing to go kick his ass." So, great. There were no charges. There is no evil. But now I am having nightmares. Juan knows Leny and I don't want Leny to think I am a stupid bitch. Such is life.

I just can't win.

At least I got to talk to Chris last night and that made me happy. That kid is a lot of fun. We are going to see Kill Bill on Thursday and that ought to be fun at least.

Anywho, gotta run off to work.

Check you later,


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