Jenneration X!
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She..she screams in silence..a sullen riot penetrating through her mind...We...wait for a sign to smash the silence with the brick of self-control---Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without any use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you--She...she's figured out..all her doubts are someone else's point of view..We...walking up to smash the silence with the brick of self-control--------


"I'm really not that different, you just made me think so."

What's up?

mood: perky
now playing: goldfinger-only a day
vocabulary: irredentias

My yesterdays....

Previous - I am not going to do what I just did. Next - I need to do laundry.
2002-10-17 - 12:14 p.m. - My cold reflection scares me at this hour, how I wish I could sleep.

Goodness. That is what today is. Today is goodness.

Last night I was trying to go to sleep around 10:30 and there was a knock on my door. I figured it was an annoying suitemate but no! It was Kimberly. She just came in because we haven't hung out in such a long time(mainly because I have been working so much and she is taking such a large classload). She said she was so grateful to me for helping her to meet so many people and that really appreciates me and that she feels bad that we haven't gotten to hang out and now she's going home for fall break but it's all good. We got to talk quite a bit last night as I lay in bed and she sat on my horribly cluttered futon. I am really glad I have her as a friend, for we are so much alike but just different enough that it keeps the friendship interesting.

I took a quiz in Biology today over some webpages I did not go to. Fun times. It's all good though. For some reason I felt it was going to be alright. I truly hate Biology. One of my suitemates said she failed the test and she wanted me to tutor her. Since I don't study I can't just include her in my studying so I guess I'm going to have to start. Maybe me studying will be the difference between an 88 and a 95. I can only hope. If I were to get a B in that class I would cry. Ok, my keyboard is not working properly. Booo.

Ub was not that bad at all. I had a thought pop into my head. I am keeping a journal-like book of thoughts. Half of it is sunny yellow and then you flip it over and the other is moonlit blue. I decided that when memories stick out in my mind, no matter how old, I am going to write them in the blue side and then my personal thoughts that are current will go in the yellow. So's all memories. Some of my thoughts I am afraid to have in print anywhere right now. The reason I had the book in UB in the first place is because I give my mom my backpack and with the memories in there right now..I don't even want there ever to be a chance she could read it(through my last years of high school my mom would open my backpack and hide little laminated cards with Bible verses on them in places she thought I'd look, yes, those years were that bad).

I really do love my mother. There were times when I didn't, but I really appreciate everything she's done for me, which mainly consists of being very very strict. I can think that maybe if she weren't so strict I wuld not have rebelled but then who would I be if all the things that happened in my life never did? I shudder to think.

I went in to see the Provost who doules as my politics professor. I asked what we were doing today and whether I could ditch. He said he was handing back the midterms and that I did very well. I am ecstatic. Now if only I could have not failed the English midterm(I am assuming I did indeed). But, for some reason there is a cloud of happiness keeping the rain away. This weekend is going to be good. I can feel it.

My mommy wants to take me to see Moonlight Mile. I am considering it. Keith said he'd talked to Robert. Robert sits near me in UB and I said, "So, you've talked to Keith?" and e said, "Yeah, on the phone." I said cool and he said, "He said you work at the rec center." That was certainly interesting. The conversation got even weirder and more out of context but it's too ridiculous to print.

We watched some more of Nesferatu in English today, which is a silent film of Dracula and it is also terrible. I should have slept.

I was intending to take a nap between that class and political science but if I sleep for only an hour I will be more tired than not taking a nap at all.

I have got the best feeling right now. I don't want it to go away.

"And then when I see you I forget the pain, and melt away with you."


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